
categories.yml Configuration File & information about it.

categories.yml is a new file that came with version 1.7.2. In earlier version config.yml stored list of all ticket categories, but with 20+ categories, and who knows how much subcategories, it can become a mess. That's a reason a new file has been created to store a list of categories.

Bot comes with 4 pre-setuped categories, 3 being normal ones & 1 being SubCategory Parent (contains subcategories). They can help you to see how everything works and you can just copy-paste them and make changes to create a new ones.


So, let's see the file!

# ________________________________________________
# Here you can customize Ticket Categories
# ________________________________________________

# Category Name
- name: "General"
  # Placeholder for Select Menu
  placeholder: "Open Ticket in this Category if need General Help"
  type: "SUPPORT"
  # Channel Name to which to rename Ticket upon Category Selection
  # Requires rename_choose: true
  # Available Placeholders: <username>, <ticket>
  channel_name: "🎫・general-<username>"
  # Unique ID of ticket category, no spaces allowed
  id: "general_category"
  # Select Menu Emoji 
  emoji: "🎫"
  # Name/ID of Category to which to move ticket after Ticket Category is selected, for none leave empty
  # Need separateCategories: true
  category: ""
  # Names/IDs of Roles which will Staff need to view ticket.
  # Requires separateRoles > enabled: true
  roles: []
  # Whether to Ask Questions for this Category
  ask_questions: false
  # Whether to Ask for Review when Ticket gets Closed
  ask_review: false
  # Color for Button on Panel for this Category
  # Can be Primary (Blue one), Secondary (Gray), Success (Green) and Danger (Red)
  button_color: "Primary"
  # Max Number of Tickets User can open in Category
  # Per-Category Limit
  limit: 1
  # Configuration regarding Commissions for this Category
  # These fields are not required.
  # Requires type: "COMMISSION"
    # Roles which to mention in New Commission Message with Quote Button
    roles: []
    # Channel in which to send New Commission Message with Quote Button
    # To send in channels.commissions channel, leave empty
    channel: ""
  # Embed in Ticket Channel
    # Title of Embed for this Category
    # Available Placeholders: <category>, <subcategory> (if it's subcategory)
    title: "Ticket - <category>"
    # Description of Embed for this Category
    # Available Placeholders: <user>, <category>, <reason>
    description: "**Category:** <category>\n\nHey <user>, this is your ticket, please describe your problem or ask a question.\nStaff will be with you shortly, be patient, thanks!"
    # Image in the Top Right Corner, leave empty to disable
    thumbnail: ""
    # Image above footer, leave empty to disable
    image: ""
    # Embed Color, can be Name (Red, Green etc.) or HEX (#f1f1f1, #dddddd etc.)
    color: "Yellow"
  # Panel for Selected Embed
    # Title of Panel Embed for this Category
    title: "General Help"
    # Description of Panel Embed for this Category
    description: "Open Ticket in this Category if you need General Help."
    # Image in the Top Right Corner, leave empty to disable
    thumbnail: ""
    # Image above footer, leave empty to disable
    image: ""
    # Embed Color, can be Name (Red, Green etc.) or HEX (#f1f1f1, #dddddd etc.)
    color: "Yellow"
  # List of Questions to ask
  # Need questions: true & Ticket Categories Enabled
    # Name for question, used for title
    # If using questions_type: "MODAL", this can be max. 45 characters long
    - name: "First Question"
      # Question to ask
      # If using questions_type: "MODAL", this can be max. 100 characters long
      question: "This is First Question."
    - name: "Second Question"
      question: "This is Second Question."
    - name: "Third Question"
      question: "This is Third Question."
- name: "Buycraft"
  placeholder: "Open Ticket in this Category if need Buycraft Help"
  type: "SUPPORT"
  channel_name: "🎫・buycraft-<username>"
  id: "buycraft_category"
  emoji: "💵"
  category: ""
  roles: []
  ask_questions: false
  ask_review: false
  button_color: "Primary"
  limit: 1
  # Only if Ticket Type is COMMISSION
    roles: []
    channel: ""
    title: "Ticket - <category>"
    description: "**Category:** <category>\n\nHey <user>, this is your ticket, please describe your problem or ask a question.\nStaff will be with you shortly, be patient, thanks!"
    thumbnail: ""
    image: ""
    color: "Yellow"
    title: "BuyCraft Help"
    description: "Open Ticket in this Category if you need help with Buycraft."
    thumbnail: ""
    image: ""
    color: "Yellow"
    - name: "First Question"
      question: "This is First Question."
    - name: "Second Question"
      question: "This is Second Question."
    - name: "Third Question"
      question: "This is Third Question."
- name: "Bug"
  placeholder: "Open Ticket in this Category if you've found Bug"
  type: "SUPPORT"
  channel_name: "🎫・bug-<username>"
  id: "bug_category"
  emoji: "🐛"
  category: ""
  roles: []
  ask_questions: false
  ask_review: false
  button_color: "Primary"
  limit: 1
  # Only if Ticket Type is COMMISSION
    roles: []
    channel: ""
    title: "Ticket - <category>"
    description: "**Category:** <category>\n\nHey <user>, this is your ticket, please describe your problem or ask a question.\nStaff will be with you shortly, be patient, thanks!"
    thumbnail: ""
    image: ""
    color: "Yellow"
    title: "Report a Bug"
    description: "Open Ticket in this Category if you've found a bug."
    thumbnail: ""
    image: ""
    color: "Yellow"
    - name: "First Question"
      question: "This is First Question."
    - name: "Second Question"
      question: "This is Second Question."
    - name: "Third Question"
      question: "This is Third Question."
- name: "SubCategory Parent"
  placeholder: "Open Ticket in this Category to see subcategories."
  id: "sub_parent"
  emoji: "🌳"
  button_color: "Primary"
    title: "SubCategory Parent Panel"
    description: "Open Ticket in this Category then choose SubCategory"
    thumbnail: ""
    image: ""
    color: "Yellow"
    - name: "SubCategory Example"
      placeholder: "Open Ticket in this Category if need SubCategory Help"
      id: "category_sub"
      emoji: "🌲"
      roles: []
      # Type for SubCategory, can be COMMISSION or SUPPORT
      type: "SUPPORT"
      ask_questions: false
      ask_review: false
      channel_name: "🌲・subcategory-<username>"
      category: ""
      button_color: "Primary"
      limit: 1
      # Only if Ticket Type is COMMISSION
        roles: []
        channel: ""
        title: "Ticket - <subcategory>"
        description: "**Category:** <subcategory>\n**Parent Category:** <category>\n\nHey <user>, this is your ticket, please describe your problem or ask a question."
        thumbnail: ""
        image: ""
        color: "Yellow"
        title: "SubCategory Help"
        description: "Open Ticket in this Category if you need help with SubCategory."
        thumbnail: ""
        image: ""
        color: "Yellow"
        - name: "First SubCategory Question"
          question: "This is First SubCategory Question."
        - name: "Second SubCategory Question"
          question: "This is Second SubCategory Question."
        - name: "Third SubCategory Question"
          question: "This is Third SubCategory Question."

Last updated