
config.yml Configuration File & information about it.

List of Ticket Categories have been moved over to categories.yml.

Configuration File is perfect place to start bot's customisation. In this File you can edit nearly 98% of Bot, starting with embeds, messages to important informations such as Bot Token & Channel/Role IDs. Except this Configuration File there is another one called commands.yml, more about that one on next page.

Every Field (except ones that are same ex. questions list, those like have comments just on first list) in Configuration File have comment above them stating what are they used for, some examples & rules so it makes your editing much, much easier and faster.


So, let's see the file!

# ________________________________________________
# Here you can customize Bot's settings.
# ________________________________________________

version: "1.7.8"

# ____________________________
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  # Name of the Bot
  name: "Champion Tickets"
  # Bot's Prefix
  prefix: "-"
  # Bot Token obtained from Discord Developer Portal
  token: ""
  # ID of Guild in which Bot will be used
  guild: ""
  # Whether to Register Slash Commands
  slash: true
  # Database Configuration
    # Database Type: sqlite (default), mysql, mongo
    type: "sqlite"
      url: ""
      # MySQL Host
      host: ""
      # MySQL Port, default is 3306
      port: 3306
      # MySQL User
      user: ""
      # MySQL Password
      password: ""
      # MySQL Database Name
      database: ""
  # ID of User who is gonna have access to EVAL Command
  # Example:
  # eval:
  #   - "1234"
  # If you don't want any, just change to eval: []
  eval: []
  # Remove Command Message after Sent
  remove_command: false
  # Currency for PayPal/Crypto, EUR/USD etc.
  currency: "USD"
  # Currency Symbol
  currency_symbol: "$"
  # How to use Review Command, whether to Staff use command
  # to prompt Client (Requires Ticket to be Commission) for Review, or to Client Review Freelancer.
  # Can be STAFF or NORMAL
  review_type: "NORMAL"
  # Announce Reviews to Specific Channels
  send_review: false
  # Review Character Limit
  review_limit: 256
  # Ask for Review after Ticket Closure
  ask_review: false
  # Role(s) or Permission(s) User(s) is required to have in order to be reviewed
  # Used to limit who can be reviewed by users
  # When both are empty, you can review anyone
    roles: []
    permissions: []
  # Timezone used to check Global Service Team availability
  # List of all TimeZones:
  timezone: "Europe/Belgrade"
  # Bio Charcter Limit, after limit is exceeded bot automatically adds '...' at the end.
  bio_limit: 512
  # Is Suggestion Decision (Accept, Deny, Delete) Option Enabled
  sugg_decision: true
  # Whether to add balance into Freelancers bank upon marking commission as COMPLETED
  add_balance: true
  # What % of commission quote does freelancers keep, just number, without %
  commission_tax: "85"
  # Whether to send new Commissions to specific channel
  send_commissions: false
  # Whether to restrict Commission Tickets to just Commission Access Roles (commission_access)
  # upon creation & to add user whose quote was accepted to ticket automatically.
  # Support Roles ( won't be added to ticket automatically if this is 'true'
  commission_perms: false
  # Type of Channel for Tickets Statistics
  stats_type: "GUILD_VOICE"
  # Whether to enable Client Statistics such as how much Client's spent
  # on orders & number of orders they placed
  client_info: false
  # Profile Portfolio character limit, some URLs are long some are shorter
  # so set this to something optimal
  portfolio_limit: 128
  # Toggle the display of buttons specific places
    # Whether 'Close Ticket' button is enabled
    close: true
    # Whether 'Claim Ticket' button is enabled
    claim: true
    # Whether 'Message Client' button is enabled
    message_client: false
    # Whether 'Decline Quote' button is enable on the quote message in ticket
    decline_quote: true
  # Whether to ask for reason when declining quote
  quote_decline_reason: true

# ____________________________
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  # Folder Name of Addon to Disable
  disabled: ["example"]

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Whether Server is enabled
  # Required for SelfHost Ticket Transcripts & Dashboard
  enabled: false
  # URL on which server will be.
  # If you're using IP (like in first example), or you can't point domain to IP:port,
  # you need to add port you specified to the end of url in format: ':PORT'
  # Example: http://123.45.675.104:7070,,
  url: ""
  # Port for Server
  port: 7070
  # SelfHost Ticket Transcripts
  # Requires server: true
    # Whether SelfHost Transcripts are enabled
    enabled: false
    # View Transcript Button
    view: false
    # Whether Download Transcript Button & Download Feature are enabled
    download: false
    # Are Transcripts public or they requires Password for access
    public_transcripts: false
    # Password which can be used to access any Transcript
    # Do not share it with anyone, users will get their when ticket is closed
    admin_login: "adminPw123"
  # Dashboard Configuration
  # To configure who will be able to login into dashboard, visit
  # 'roles' section down below
  # Everyone with 'Administrator' Permission have access to dashboard!
  # Setup Tutorial from Docs:
    # Whether to enable Dashboard
    enabled: false
    # Discord Bot Client ID
    client_id: ""
    # Discord Bot Client Secret
    client_secret: ""
    # Some long Secret Password, used for Backend Stuff
    # Do not share it with anyone
    jwt: ""
    # Whether to save Server & Dashboard Logs
    save_logs: false
    # List of Dashboard Modules
        # Settings Page
        enabled: true
        # Config editing section
        config: true
        # Commands toggling section
        commands: true
      ticketing: true
      logs: true
      invoicing: true
        paypal: true
        portfolio: true
        bio: true
        available_hours: true
      panel: true
    # Configuration of the Home Page
      # Homepage Chart Configuration
        # Whether to show chart on homepage
        enabled: true
        # Whether to save Number of Tickets open per day
        save_open: true
        # Whether to save Number of Tickets closed per day
        save_close: true
        # Whether to save Number of how members joined per day
        save_join: true
        # Whether to save Number of how members left per day
        save_leave: true
      # Whether to show Number of Tickets open
      tickets_open: true
      # Whether to show Number of Active Commissions
      commissions: true
      # Whether to show Number of Members
      members: true
      # Whether to show User's Star Rating
      rating: true
      # Whether to show Number of Paid Invoices
      invoices: true
      # Whether to show total income
      income: true
    # Configuration for User Dashboard Access
      # IDs of User's who will have access to Dashboard
      access: []
      # IDs of User's who will have access to Config Dashboard Section
      config: []
      # IDs of User's who will have access to Commands Dashboard Section
      commands: []
      # IDs of User's who will have access to Customise & Send Ticket Panel from Dashboard
      panel: []

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Name of the Ticket Channel, after '-' bot adds user's username
  # Available Placeholders: <username>, <ticket> (Ticket ID)
  channel_name: "🎫・ticket-<username>"
  # Name of the Ticket Channel after it's closed, after '-' bot adds user's username
  # Available Placeholders: <username>, <ticket> (Ticket ID)
  closed_name: "🔒・closed-<username>"
  # Name of the Ticket Channel when it has an priority (high/urgent), after '-' bot adds user's username
  # Available Placeholders: <priority> (Priority Emoji), <username>, <ticket> (Ticket ID)
  priority_name: "<priority>・priority-<username>"
  # ID/Name of Category in which to open tickets
  tickets_category: ""
  # ID(s)/Names(s) of Category(ies) in which to open tickets if the 
  # category from 'tickets_category' field is full (50 channels)
  fallback_categories: []
  # ID/Name of Channel to send Transcripts of Tickets
  transcripts: ""
  # ID/Name of Channel to Send New Reviews
  reviews: ""
  # ID/Name of Channel to send Auto Announcements
  announce: ""
  # ID/Name of Channel in which to send new Suggestions
  suggestions: ""
  # ID/Name of Channel in which to send message for Suggestion Decision
  sugg_decision: ""
  # ID/Name of Channel in which to send Accepted/Denied Suggestions
  sugg_logs: ""
  # ID/Name of Channel in which to send Money Withdraw Requests
  withdraw: ""
  # ID/Name of Channel in which to send new Commisssions
  commissions: ""
  # ID/Name of Category in which to move closed tickets
  move_closed: ""
# ____________________________
# Tickets releated settings
# To add/remove categories, go to categories.yml
# ____________________________ 

  # Whether Ticket Categories Enabled
  category_status: true
  # Placeholder for Select Menu
  select_placeholder: "Click to view Categories"
  # Mention Support Role in new Tickets
  mention_support: false
  # Mention Ticket Author in new Tickets
  mention_author: false
  # Save Transcripts
  transcripts: false
  # Transcript Type, TXT or HTML
  transcript_type: "HTML"
  # DM Transcripts to User & Support who claimed ticket
  dm_transcript: false
  # Confirm Close of Ticket
  confirm_close: true
  # Whether to send Message (Custom, not Transcripts) to User after Closing Ticket
  dm_author: false
  # Remove Ticket when User Leaves Server
  remove_leave: false
  # After how much time to stop to ask for questions in Ticket when no answer (in seconds)
  # Timeout for Questions
  question_idle: 300
  # After how much time to delete ticket when closed (in seconds)
  delete_after: 7
  # After how much time to delete ticket when no category selected (in seconds)
  no_select_delete: 600 # 10 minutes
  # Whether to rename Ticket Channel Name upon Category Selection to Format specified in
  # Category Configuration
  rename_choose: false
  # Rename Ticket Channel to 'closed-user' after closure
  rename_close: true
  # Limit of Tickets User can open (requires tickets.category_status: false, 
  # if using categories ignore this line, per-category limits are below)
  ticket_limit: 1
  # Whether to move ticket to 'Closed Tickets' Channels Category and remove author from ticket
  # allowing staff to delete Ticket
  move_closed: false
  # Whether to save Images in Ticket Transcripts
  # This will increase Transcript File Size
  save_images: true
  # Global Service Team time availability, leave empty to disable
  # If someone opens Ticket in time you're not available, it will send message
  # Example 07:30-23:30, 13:00-22:00
  availability: ""
  # Whether to Check for Inactive Tickets and to Close them
  inactivity_check: false
  # How much Hours should pass after last Message in order
  # to mark ticket as inactive
  inactivity_time: 168 # 7 days
  # Format for Answers of Ticket Questions
  # Available Placeholders: <name>, <question> & <answer>
  # Use markdown for the best result -
  question_answer_format: "## <question>\n* <answer>"
  # Whether to send panel with Select Menu or Buttons
  # Available Types: SELECT_MENU, BUTTONS
  panel_type: "BUTTONS"
  # Whether to Mention Roles from both 'support' field & 'category.roles' field or just specific one
  # Need 'mention_support': true
  # Available Types: BOTH, CATEGORY_ROLES (roles from 'category.[category].roles'), 
  # SUPPORT_ROLES (roles from '')
  mention_support_type: "SUPPORT_ROLES"
  # Whether to disallow writting into channel until Ticket Questions are answered
  lock_ticket: false
  # Are Tickets moved to specific Channel Category after Ticket Category is selected
  separate_categories: false
  # Per-Category Roles.
  # Need status: true
    # Only users with specific roles can see ticket, 'roles' field in categories
    enabled: false
    # Both users with role from 'roles' field & roles from '' field can see ticket.
    both: false
  # How to ask questions, using Modal or by answering questions in chat
  # Available Types: MODAL, CHAT
  questions_type: "MODAL"
  # Number of Buttons on Ticket Panel per line. Max: 5
  panel_buttons_line: 3
  # Ask Questions on Ticket Creation, if Ticket Categories are disabled, 
  # otherwise use 'ask_questions' field from Ticket Category
  questions: false
  # List of Questions to ask, if Ticket Categories are disabled & questions: true
    # Name for question, used for title
    # If using questions_type: "MODAL", this can be max. 45 characters long
    - name: "First Question"
      # Question to ask
      # If using questions_type: "MODAL", this can be max. 100 characters long
      question: "This is First Question."
    - name: "Second Question"
      question: "This is Second Question."
    - name: "Third Question"
      question: "This is Third Question."

# ____________________________
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  # Are Responses Enabled
  enabled: false
  # Cooldown for Auto Responses (in seconds) - per channel
  # Bot won't answer to other Initiator Messages until cooldown expires
  cooldown: 5
  # Embed or Normal Message 
  # Values: EMBED, TEXT
  type: "EMBED"
  # List of Responses
    # Initiator Message - Response Message
    "Test Message": "Test Response"
    "Another Message": "Another Response"

# ____________________________
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  # Are Announcements Enabled
  enabled: false
  # Embed or Normal Message 
  # Values: EMBED, TEXT
  type: "EMBED"
  # Interval for Announcements (in seconds)
  interval: 60
  # List of Responses
    # Message to Announce
    - "First Message"
    - "Second Message"

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Format for Products List Embed, available placeholders: [ID], [NAME], [DESCRIPTION], [TYPE]
  format: "**#[ID]** [NAME]\n- [DESCRIPTION]"
  # After how much time to Delete Download Link (to make it invalid)
  # Example: 10m, 1h, 1w, 1mo..
  delete_download: "1h"
  # How much Users can use one Download Link (make limk invalid after x users downloads from it)
  limit_download: 1

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Sellix API Secret (
  secret: ""
  # Roles to assign to User upon Verification when sellix.separateProducts: false
  roles: []
  # Are Per Product Verify Roles Enabled
  separateProducts: false
  # List of Products and Roles to give upon Verification,
  # Requires sellix.separateProducts: true
    # Title of Sellix Product
    - name: ""
      # List of Roles to give upon Verification
      roles: []

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Tebex API Secret (
  secret: ""
  # Roles to assign to User upon Verification when tebex.separatePackages: false
  roles: []
  # Are Per Product Verify Roles Enabled
  separatePackages: false
  # List of Products and Roles to give upon Verification,
  # Requires tebex.separatePackages: true
    # Title for Package
    - name: ""
      # Tebex Package ID
      id: ""
      # List of Roles to give upon Verification
      roles: []

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Tebex API Secret (
  secret: ""
  # Roles to assign to User upon Verification when tebex.separatePackages: false
  roles: []
  # Are Per Product Verify Roles Enabled
  separatePackages: false
  # List of Products and Roles to give upon Verification,
  # Requires tebex.separatePackages: true
    # Title for Package
    - name: ""
      # Tebex Package ID
      id: ""
      # List of Roles to give upon Verification
      roles: []

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # PayPal API Secret
  secret: ""
  # PayPal API Client ID
  client_id: ""
  # PayPal Mail to which to send Money after Invoice is Paid
  mail: ""
  # Terms of Service that will be attached to invoice
  tos: ""
  # Notes that will be attached to invoice
  # Available Placeholders: <username>, <userId>, <author>, <date> (of creation)
  notes: ""
  # Business Name for Invoice title
  title: "Champion Tickets"
  # How much days doest user have to Pay Invoice
  # For default (45) leave -1
  # Available values: 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90
  days: -1
  # Whether to send Message to channel After invoice status is changed to PAID
  invoice_paid: false
  # IDs/Names of Roles which to give upon paying invoice
  # Leave empty for none
  roles_give: []
  # List of Taxes applied on Invoice
  # Example:
  # taxes:
  #  # Tax Name
  #  - name: "Freelancer Tax"
  #    # Tax type, can be NUMBER or PERCENT (of Base Pricee)
  #    type: "NUMBER"
  #    # Amount in Currency you specified in 'currency' field
  #    # or percent (without '%') of base price
  #    amount: 0
  # If you don't want any, just change to blacklist: []
  taxes: []

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Whether Priority System is Enabled
  enabled: false
  # Low Priority Name
  low: "Low"
  # Normal Priority Name (Default One)
  normal: "Normal"
  # High Priority Name
  high: "High"
  # Very High Priority Name
  urgent: "Urgent"

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # List of Support Roles which will have access to Tickets
  # Not Required if separate_roles > enabled is true.
  # Example:
  # support:
  #   - "1234"
  # If you don't want any, just change to support: []
  support: []
  # Format same as for 'support' Roles
  blacklist: []
  # Roles which can bypass specific stuff
  # Format is same as for above roles
    # Roles which can bypass Command Cooldown
    cooldown: []
    # Roles which can bypass Command Permissions
    permission: []
  # Roles which will have access to commission ticket beside User whose quote was accepted.
  # If empty all 'support' Roles will have access
  commission_access: []
  # Roles Configuration for Dashboard Access
    # Roles which will have access to Dashboard
    # Everyone with 'Administrator' Permission have access to dashboard!
    access: []
    # Roles which will be able to edit Config from Dashboard
    config: []
    # Roles which will be able to enable/disable Commands from Dashboard
    commands: []
    # Roles which will be able to customise/send Ticket Panel from Dashboard
    panel: []

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # List of Users who are Blacklisted from opening Tickets
  # Example:
  # blacklist:
  #   - "1234"
  # If you don't want any, just change to blacklist: []
  blacklist: []

# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Can be Online, Idle, Invisible & DND
  presence_status: "Online"
  # Can be Playing, Listening, Watching and Competing
  type: "Watching"
  # Random Messages in Custom Status, changing every x minutes/hours 
  change_random: true
  # Interval to Change Custom Status (in seconds)
  interval: 180 # 3 minutes, don't go below that
  # Message which is displayed in Custom Status if change_random = false
  message: "Champion Tickets v1.7.8"
  # List of Custom Status's if change_random = true
  # Available Placeholders: <members>, <channels>, <currentTickets> (Number of Current Tickets), <totalTickets> (Total Tickets Opened)
    - "<members> total members"
    - "<currentTickets> Currently Open Tickets"
    - "<totalTickets> Total Tickets Opened"
# ____________________________
# ____________________________

  # Emojis added to new Suggestions
  yes_emoji: "👍"
  no_emoji: "👎"
  remove_vote: "⬜"
  # Create Ticket Button Emoji
  create: "🎫"
  # Close Ticket Button Emoji
  close: "🔒"
  # Cancel Ticket Deletation Button Emoji
  cancel_close: "🔓"
  # Next Button Emoji
  next: "▶"
  # Previous Button Emoji
  previous: "◀"
  # Get File Button Emoji
  file: "📁"
  # Get Link Button Emoji
  link: "🔗"
  # Ticket Priority Emojis
    # Low Priority Emoji
    low: "🔵"
    # High Priority Emoji
    high: "🟠"
    # Very High Priority Emoji
    urgent: "🔴"
  # Transcript Logs Buttons
    # View Transcript Button
    view: "👀"
    # Download Transcript Button
    download: "📃"
  # Answer Ticket Questions Button
  answer_questions: "🗒"
  # Accept Quote Button
  quote: "✅"
  # Claim Ticket Button
  claim: "✋"
  # Send Quote Button
  send_quote: "📤"
  # Review Number of Stars & Star Emoji
    star: "⭐"
    one: "1️⃣"
    two: "2️⃣"
    three: "3️⃣"
    four: "4️⃣"
    five: "5️⃣"
  # Message Commission Client Button
  msg_commission: "📤"
  # Reply to Commission DM Question Message Button
  reply_commission: "🔁"
  # Cancel Emoji
  stop: "❌"
  # Delete archived Ticket button
  delete_ticket: "🗑"
  # Decline Profile Quote Button
  decline_quote: "🛑"

# _____________________________________________________________
#                     END OF CONFIGURATION
# _____________________________________________________________

Last updated